e enjte, 30 gusht 2007


LIMITATIONS OF EXPRESSION.--While it is more blessed to give than to
receive, it is somewhat harder in the doing; for more of the self is,
after all, involved in expression than in impression. Expression needs
to be cultivated as an art; for who can express all he thinks, or feels,
or conceives? Who can do his innermost self justice when he attempts to
express it in language, in music, or in marble? The painter answers when
praised for his work, 'If you could but see the picture I intended to
paint!' The pupil says, 'I know, but I cannot tell.' The friend says, 'I
wish I could tell you how sorry I am.' The actor complains, 'If I could
only portray the passion as I feel it, I could bring all the world to my
feet!' The body, being of grosser structure than the mind, must always
lag somewhat behind in expressing the mind"s states; yet, so perfect is
the harmony between the two, that with a body well trained to respond to
the mind"s needs, comparatively little of the spiritual need be lost in
its expression through the material.

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