e martë, 28 gusht 2007

There is a school in medicine, whose chief claim is, that it invites and

prepares Nature to act in the removal of disease
There is a school in medicine, whose chief claim is, that it invites and
prepares Nature to act in the removal of disease.

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title=View all posts filed under budget car rental


HABIT SAVES EFFORT AND FATIGUE.--We do most easily and with least
fatigue that which we are accustomed to do. It is the new act or the
strange task that tires us. The horse that is used to the farm wearies
if put on the road, while the roadster tires easily when hitched to the
plow. The experienced penman works all day at his desk without undue
fatigue, while the man more accustomed to the pick and the shovel than
to the pen, is exhausted by a half hour"s writing at a letter. Those who
follow a sedentary and inactive occupation do not tire by much sitting,
while children or others used to freedom and action may find it a
wearisome task merely to remain still for an hour or two.

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title=View posts for June 2007
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Certain authors, following Varro, have maintained that Rome

died a 'natural death,' the normal result of old age
Certain authors, following Varro, have maintained that Rome
died a 'natural death,' the normal result of old age. It is
mere fancy to suppose that nations have their birth, their
maturity and their decline under an inexorable law like that
which determines the life history of the individual. A nation
is a body of living men. It may be broken up if wrongly led or
attacked by a superior force. When its proportion of men of
initiative or character is reduced, its future will necessarily
be a resultant of the forces that are left.

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