e shtunë, 1 shtator 2007

His next remarks are on the Selfish Systems, his reply to which is the

assertion of disinterested Affections
His next remarks are on the Selfish Systems, his reply to which is the
assertion of disinterested Affections. He distinguishes two modes of
assigning self-interest as the sole motive of virtuous conduct. First,
it may be said that in every so-called virtuous action, we see some
good to self, near or remote. Secondly, it may be maintained that we
become at last disinterested by the associations of our own interest.

title=View posts for June 2007
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The wearing of loose, porous clothing, and the air bath--exercise in a

cool room without clothing--are also valuable measures in skin training
The wearing of loose, porous clothing, and the air bath--exercise in a
cool room without clothing--are also valuable measures in skin training.
Very heavy wraps and fur coats should be worn only during unusual
exposure, as in driving or motoring. Outer clothing should be adapted to
the changes in the weather, and medium-weight underclothing worn
throughout the winter season. Office-workers and others employed indoors
are, during the greater part of the day, living in a summer temperature.
The wearing of heavy underclothing under such conditions is debilitating
to the skin and impairs the resisting power.

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To sum up:--the principal constituents of the moral sense are

Gratitude, Sympathy (or Pity), Resentment, and Shame; the secondary and
auxiliary causes are Education, Imitation, General Opinion, Laws and
To sum up:--the principal constituents of the moral sense are
Gratitude, Sympathy (or Pity), Resentment, and Shame; the secondary and
auxiliary causes are Education, Imitation, General Opinion, Laws and

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