e hënë, 9 korrik 2007

An epoch-making discovery in 1865 by an Austrian monk named Mendel,[57]

and later discoveries by a number of other scientists, revealed the
subdivisibility of each individual into many distinct units or traits,
the hereditary sources of which were clearly traceable, leading to
various individuals of the family line, and not to one individual alone
An epoch-making discovery in 1865 by an Austrian monk named Mendel,[57]
and later discoveries by a number of other scientists, revealed the
subdivisibility of each individual into many distinct units or traits,
the hereditary sources of which were clearly traceable, leading to
various individuals of the family line, and not to one individual alone.
Furthermore, it was found that the lack of a certain trait sometimes
appears as a trait in itself, just as darkness seems like a condition in
itself rather than as an absence of light.
