e shtunë, 29 shtator 2007

It is a good idea to consult a physician in regard to one"s diet, and

endeavor intelligently to follow his advice and not insist on one"s own
diet, selected from the standpoint of mere self-indulgence or custom
It is a good idea to consult a physician in regard to one"s diet, and
endeavor intelligently to follow his advice and not insist on one"s own
diet, selected from the standpoint of mere self-indulgence or custom.
Moreover, since many, without being aware of the fact, are affected with
Bright"s disease, diabetes, etc., in their early stages, in which
dietetic precautions are especially necessary, it is well, even for
those who are apparently in good health, to be medically examined as a
preliminary to a rearrangement of their diet along the best lines.