e mërkurë, 19 shtator 2007

During the first period there was a slight increase in strength (from an

average 'total' strength of 1,076 to 1,118), and during the second
period a slight fall to 995, which is about 12 per cent
During the first period there was a slight increase in strength (from an
average 'total' strength of 1,076 to 1,118), and during the second
period a slight fall to 995, which is about 12 per cent. from the
mid-year"s 1,118, and about 8 per cent. from the original 1,076. Thus
the strength of the men remained nearly stationary throughout the


THE NEO-PLATONISTS. The Moral End to be attained through an
intellectual regimen. The soul being debased by its connection with
matter, the aim of human action is to regain the spiritual life. The
first step is the practice of the cardinal virtues: the next the
purifying virtues. Happiness is the undisturbed life of contemplation.
Correspondence of the Ethical, with the Metaphysical scheme.