e martë, 7 gusht 2007

Of Metaphorical or figurative laws, the most usual is that suggested by

the fact of _uniformity_, which is one of the ordinary consequences of
a law proper
Of Metaphorical or figurative laws, the most usual is that suggested by
the fact of _uniformity_, which is one of the ordinary consequences of
a law proper. Such are the laws of nature, or the uniformities of
co-existence and succession in natural phenomena.

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5. Most children in the elementary school are not interested in
technical grammar; why not? Histories made up chiefly of dates and lists
of kings or presidents are not interesting; what is the remedy? Would
you call any teaching of literature, history, geography, or science
successful which fails to develop an interest in the subject?


This law applies equally to individuals

This law applies equally to individuals. Skill, cunning and
reason play their part, but the animal quality of endurance is
always back of these and is often decisive in a contest.

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BY the will of the late Dr

BY the will of the late Dr. Dudley P. Allen, formerly professor
of surgery in the Western Reserve University, $200,000 has been
set aside as a permanent endowment fund for the Cleveland
Medical Library.

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1. The nature of memory: What is retained--The physical basis of
memory--How we remember--Dependence of memory on brain quality. 2. The
four factors involved in memory:
Registration--Retention--Recall--Recognition. 3. The stuff of memory:
Images as the material of memory--Images vary as to type--Other memory
material. 4. Laws underlying memory: The law of association--The law of
repetition--The law of recency--The law of vividness. 5. Rules for using
the memory: Wholes versus parts--Rate of forgetting--Divided
practice--Forcing the memory to act--Not a memory, but memories. 6. What
constitutes a good memory: A good memory selects its material--A good
memory requires good thinking--Memory must be specialized. 7. Memory
devices: The effects of cramming--Remembering isolated facts--Mnemonic
devices. 8. Problems in observation and introspection . . . . . . . . 160
