e premte, 6 korrik 2007

Muscular exercises stimulate deep breathing, and, in general, the two

should go together
Muscular exercises stimulate deep breathing, and, in general, the two
should go together. But deep breathing by itself is also beneficial, if
very slow. Forced _rapid_ breathing is comparatively valueless, and
indeed may be positively harmful. Oxygen is absorbed only according to
the demand for it in the body and not according to the supply.


Weak feet are gradually converted into flat feet by faulty standing and

walking posture and lack of leg exercise
Weak feet are gradually converted into flat feet by faulty standing and
walking posture and lack of leg exercise. Toeing out, whether walking or
standing, so commonly noted among girls and women, places a great strain
upon the arches of the foot. The correction of this fault by persistent
toeing in, Indian fashion, and daily exercise of the leg muscles (rising
on the toes twenty to forty times night and morning), will do much to
prevent flat foot.


The conduct proper to such a state, which Mr

The conduct proper to such a state, which Mr. Spencer thus conceives to
be the subject-matter of Moral Science, truly so-called, he proposes,
in the Prospectus to his _System of Philosophy_, to treat under the
following heads.


Aristippus did not write an account of his system; and the particulars

of his life, which would show how he acted it, are but imperfectly
Aristippus did not write an account of his system; and the particulars
of his life, which would show how he acted it, are but imperfectly
preserved. He was the first theorist to avow and maintain that
Pleasure, and the absence of Pain, are the proper, the direct, the
immediate, the sole end of living; not of course mere present
pleasures and present relief from pain, but present and future taken
in one great total. He would surrender present pleasure, and incur
present pain, with a view to greater future good; but he did not
believe in the necessity of that extreme surrender and renunciation
enjoined by the Cynics. He gratified all his appetites and cravings
within the limits of safety. He could sail close upon the island of
Calypso without surrendering himself to the sorceress. Instead of
deadening the sexual appetite he gave it scope, and yet resisted the
dangerous consequences of associating with Hetaerae. In his enjoyments
he was free from jealousies; thinking it no derogation to his pleasure
that others had the same pleasure. Having thus a fair share of natural
indulgences, he dispenses with the Cynic pride of superiority and the
luxury of contemning other men. Strength of will was required for this
course no less than for the Cynic life.


Each individual must use his own intelligence and common sense, avoiding

so far as he can the mistake of following a 'fad' and accepting a theory
without sufficient evidence; and the opposite mistake of accepting as
hygienic the customs about him simply because they are customs, and thus
mistaking for fads any conclusions of science which are discordant with
current custom
Each individual must use his own intelligence and common sense, avoiding
so far as he can the mistake of following a 'fad' and accepting a theory
without sufficient evidence; and the opposite mistake of accepting as
hygienic the customs about him simply because they are customs, and thus
mistaking for fads any conclusions of science which are discordant with
current custom.
