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e diel, 1 korrik 2007
'Depends on how you travel
'Depends on how you travel. You can go in a plain car for about ten or
eleven dollars. That is on one of the round-about railways, at cut
rates. Or, you can pay between fifty and seventy-five dollars for a
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'You are mistaken in me, Master Jocelyn Mounchense...
'Certes, you must not contemn the Star-Chamber, or...
'"T is easily explained, chuck,' Lord Roos rejoined
It was one of those delicious spring mornings, whe...
'This is a frolic, gentleman, I perceive
'If he preach against extortioners and usurers onl...
'Heavens above! Aunt, she"s turned! Do I forgive y...
'Because I wanted to warn you!' answered Bob, and ...
'Mebbe you can and mebbe you can"t,' observed the ...
It is not to be supposed that the circumstances at...
'You don"t happen to have any lunch in that box, d...
'So you"re going West, are you? That is a good one
'Damnation!' exclaimed Lord Roos
Realizing that the turn of affairs was making them...
On this a brisker movement took place on the couch...
'Depends on how you travel
Turning their backs, so Bob could not see exactly ...
Making his way diffidently to one of the tables, h...
Amongst the foremost of those who thus obstructed ...
This had little effect on the magistrate, who at n...
'Forbear your wrongs awhile, I pray you, and drown...
Bob, however, was too engrossed with the prospect ...
If this were the case with persons who had no imme...
'Nov you may go,' said Lord Roos to Luke Hatton, w...
'Most palpably,' cried the Conde de Gondomar, who ...
'And in some degree to him who hath been made the ...
Let not our readers, however, suppose that young L...
'Put this with your ten dollars,' he continued
Two days after the events last recorded, a horsema...
And wheeling their ponies, the two rode off across...
'Save that they seem to imply a belief on your par...
'Only a silver groat!' she exclaimed, tossing her ...
'I care not what construction you put upon it,' cr...
The tone in which the reporter spoke was one that ...
'We"ll all protect you, Madame,' cried the assembl...
'And in some degree to him who hath been made the ...
'It musn"t be,' said they, 'for whatever was over ...
Of the people about him, he took only passing noti...
On his entrance, it may be remarked, the curtain i...
'That seems fair,' returned Bob, 'but I should be ...
The countryman"s suggestion that he be intrusted w...
'And who brought the bad luck upon me first?' aske...
She pointed to the little passage leading to the a...
After riding for a couple of miles along a road wh...
'You will make me chide you, daughter, if you exhi...
'What makes you think there is anything wrong?' pa...
Upon the arrival of the special car at Kansas City...
'He is at home,' said the father, with tears in hi...
While Bob"s champion, unknown to the boy, was inte...
'I expect her to answer my question,' rejoined the...
This beautiful dame, whose proud lips were now mor...
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