e premte, 31 gusht 2007

Keep their minds active and their hands employed in

self-supporting work and their morals and religion will safely
fall into accord with Christian standards
Keep their minds active and their hands employed in
self-supporting work and their morals and religion will safely
fall into accord with Christian standards.

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e enjte, 30 gusht 2007

As members of the body politic, we can assist the development

of science in two ways
As members of the body politic, we can assist the development
of science in two ways. Firstly, by doing each our individual
part towards ensuring that endowment for the university must
provide not only for 'teaching adolescents the rudiments of
Greek and Latin' and erecting imposing buildings, but also for
the furtherance of scientific research. The public readily
appreciates a great educational mill for the manufacture of
mediocre learning, and it always appreciates a showy building,
but it is slow to realize that that which urgently and at all
times needs endowment is experimental research.

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CUMBERLAND. Standard of Moral Good summed up in Benevolence. The moral
faculty is the Reason, apprehending the Nature of Things. Innate Ideas
an insufficient foundation. Will. Disinterested action. Happiness.
Moral Code, the common good of all rational beings. Obligations in
respect of giving and of receiving. Politics. Religion.

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LIMITATIONS OF EXPRESSION.--While it is more blessed to give than to
receive, it is somewhat harder in the doing; for more of the self is,
after all, involved in expression than in impression. Expression needs
to be cultivated as an art; for who can express all he thinks, or feels,
or conceives? Who can do his innermost self justice when he attempts to
express it in language, in music, or in marble? The painter answers when
praised for his work, 'If you could but see the picture I intended to
paint!' The pupil says, 'I know, but I cannot tell.' The friend says, 'I
wish I could tell you how sorry I am.' The actor complains, 'If I could
only portray the passion as I feel it, I could bring all the world to my
feet!' The body, being of grosser structure than the mind, must always
lag somewhat behind in expressing the mind"s states; yet, so perfect is
the harmony between the two, that with a body well trained to respond to
the mind"s needs, comparatively little of the spiritual need be lost in
its expression through the material.

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It only remains for me to present the reasons which render an increase

of the capital of the fund desirable, if not necessary
It only remains for me to present the reasons which render an increase
of the capital of the fund desirable, if not necessary. The annual
income of the existing fund amounts to about ninety-three thousand
dollars, one-half of which is distributed among the towns and cities, in
proportion to the number of persons in each between the ages of five and
fifteen years. The distribution for the year 1857-8 amounted to twenty
cents and eight mills for each child. The following table shows the
annual distribution to the towns from the year 1836; the whole number
of children for each year except 1836 and 1840, when the entire
population was the basis; and the amount paid on account of each child
since the year 1849, when the law establishing the present method of
distribution was enacted:

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e mërkurë, 29 gusht 2007

The evidence is sufficient that the public schools were in a deplorable

and apparently hopeless condition
The evidence is sufficient that the public schools were in a deplorable
and apparently hopeless condition.

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e martë, 28 gusht 2007

There is a school in medicine, whose chief claim is, that it invites and

prepares Nature to act in the removal of disease
There is a school in medicine, whose chief claim is, that it invites and
prepares Nature to act in the removal of disease.

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HABIT SAVES EFFORT AND FATIGUE.--We do most easily and with least
fatigue that which we are accustomed to do. It is the new act or the
strange task that tires us. The horse that is used to the farm wearies
if put on the road, while the roadster tires easily when hitched to the
plow. The experienced penman works all day at his desk without undue
fatigue, while the man more accustomed to the pick and the shovel than
to the pen, is exhausted by a half hour"s writing at a letter. Those who
follow a sedentary and inactive occupation do not tire by much sitting,
while children or others used to freedom and action may find it a
wearisome task merely to remain still for an hour or two.

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Certain authors, following Varro, have maintained that Rome

died a 'natural death,' the normal result of old age
Certain authors, following Varro, have maintained that Rome
died a 'natural death,' the normal result of old age. It is
mere fancy to suppose that nations have their birth, their
maturity and their decline under an inexorable law like that
which determines the life history of the individual. A nation
is a body of living men. It may be broken up if wrongly led or
attacked by a superior force. When its proportion of men of
initiative or character is reduced, its future will necessarily
be a resultant of the forces that are left.

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e hënë, 27 gusht 2007


II.--The Faculty being thus determined, along with the Standard, we
have only to resume his views as to Disinterested action. For a full
account of these, we have to go beyond the strictly Ethical lectures,
to his analysis of the Emotions. Speaking of love, he says that it
includes a desire of doing good to the person loved; that it is
necessarily pleasurable because there must be some quality in the
object that gives pleasure; but it is not the mere pleasure of loving
that makes us love. The qualities are delightful to love, and yet
impossible not to love. He is more explicit when he comes to the
consideration of Pity, recognizing the existence of sympathy, not only
without liking for the object, but with positive dislike. In another
place, he remarks that we desire the happiness of our fellows simply as
human beings. He is opposed to the theory that would trace our
disinterested affections to a selfish origin. He makes some attempt to
refer to the laws of Association, the taking in of other men"s
emotions, but thinks that there is a reflex process besides.

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Thus we see what a complex our feelings must be, and how impossible to

have any moment in which some feeling is not present as a part of our
mental stream
Thus we see what a complex our feelings must be, and how impossible to
have any moment in which some feeling is not present as a part of our
mental stream. It is this complex, now made up chiefly on the basis of
the sensory currents coming in from the end-organs or the visceral
organs, and now on the basis of those in the cortex connected with our
thought life, which constitutes the entire feeling tone, or _mood_.

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As regards the _method_ of the science, the highest exactness is not

attainable; the political art studies what is just, honourable, and
good; and these are matters about which the utmost discrepancy of
opinion prevails
As regards the _method_ of the science, the highest exactness is not
attainable; the political art studies what is just, honourable, and
good; and these are matters about which the utmost discrepancy of
opinion prevails. From such premises, the conclusions which we draw
can only be probabilities. The man of experience and cultivation will
expect nothing more. Youths, who are inexperienced in the concerns of
life, and given to follow their impulses, can hardly appreciate our
reasoning, and will derive no benefit from it: but reasonable men will
find the knowledge highly profitable (III.).

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e diel, 26 gusht 2007

When the Mellon Institute moved into its $350,000 home in

February, 1915, the industrial fellowship system in operation
therein passed out of its experimental stage
When the Mellon Institute moved into its $350,000 home in
February, 1915, the industrial fellowship system in operation
therein passed out of its experimental stage. During the years
of its development no inherent sign of weakness on the part of
any one of its constituent factors appeared; in fact, the
results of the fellowships have been uniformly successful.
While problems have been presented by companies which, upon
preliminary investigation, have proved to be so difficult as to
be practically impossible of solution, there have been so many
other problems confronting these companies that important ones
were found which lent themselves to solution; and often the
companies did not realize, until after investigations were
started, just what the exact nature of their problems was and
just what improvements and savings could be made in their
manufacturing processes.

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THE KINAESTHETIC SENSES.--The muscles, tendons, and joints also give rise
to perfectly definite sensations, but they have not been named as have
the sensations from most of the other end-organs. _Weight_ is the most
clearly marked of these sensations. It is through the sensations
connected with movements of muscles, tendons, and joints that we come to
judge _form_, _size_, and _distance_.

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The total county debt in 1913 amounted to $393,207,000, of

which amount $371,528,000, or $4
The total county debt in 1913 amounted to $393,207,000, of
which amount $371,528,000, or $4.33 per capita, was net debt.
The net indebtedness increased by 89 per cent. between 1902 and
1913, and the per capita net indebtedness by 55 per cent. By
far the greatest item of indebtedness in this country is that
of municipalities. This amounted in 1913 to an aggregate of
$3,460,000,000, of which $2,884,883,000, or $54.27 per capita,
represented net indebtedness. The rate of increase in net
indebtedness between 1902 and 1913 was 114 per cent.

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Before describing the special forms of ill that exist among our

American, certainly among our New-England girls and women, and that
are often caused and fostered by our methods of education and social
customs, it is important to refer in considerable detail to a few
physiological matters
Before describing the special forms of ill that exist among our
American, certainly among our New-England girls and women, and that
are often caused and fostered by our methods of education and social
customs, it is important to refer in considerable detail to a few
physiological matters. Physiology serves to disclose the cause, and
explain the _modus operandi_, of these ills, and offers the only
rational clew to their prevention and relief. The order in which the
physiological data are presented that bear upon this discussion is not
essential; their relation to the subject matter of it will be obvious
as we proceed.

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It is of course obvious that the influence of association extends to

moral action as well
It is of course obvious that the influence of association extends to
moral action as well. In general, our conduct follows the trend of
established associations. We are likely to do in great moral crises
about as we are in the habit of doing in small ones.

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The so-called new stars, otherwise known as temporary stars or

novae, present interesting considerations
The so-called new stars, otherwise known as temporary stars or
novae, present interesting considerations. These are stars
which suddenly flash out at points where previously no star was
known to exist; or, in a few cases, where a faint existing star
has in a few days become immensely brighter. Twenty-nine new
stars have been observed from the year 1572 to date; 19 of them
since 1886, when the photographic dry plate was applied
systematically to the mapping of the heavens, and 15 of the 19
stand to the credit of the Harvard observers. This is an
average of one new star in two years; and as some novae must
come and go unseen it is evident that they are by no means rare
objects. Novae pass through a series of evolutions which have
many points in common; in fact, the ones which have been
extensively studied by photometer and spectrograph have had
histories with so many identities that we are coming to look
upon them as standard products of evolutionary processes. These
stars usually rise to maximum brilliancy in a few days: some of
the most noted ones increased in brightness ten-thousand-fold
in two or three days. All of them fluctuate in brightness
irregularly, and usually in short periods of time. Several
novae have become invisible to the naked eye at the end of a
few weeks. With two or three exceptions, all have become
invisible in moderate-sized telescopes, or have become very
faint, within a few months. Two novae, found very early in
their development, had at first dark line spectra, a night
later bright lines appeared, and a night or two later the
spectra contained the broad radiation and absorption bands
characteristic of all recent novae. After the novae become
fairly faint, the bright lines of the gaseous nebula spectrum
are seen for the first time. These lines increase in relative
brilliancy until the spectra are essentially the same as those
of well-known nebulae, except that the novae lines are broad
whereas the lines of the nebulae are narrow. In a few months or
years the nebular lines diminish in brightness, and the
continuous spectrum develops. Hartmann at Potsdam, and Adams
and Pease with the 60-inch Mount Wilson reflector, have shown
that the spectra of the faint remnants of four originally
brilliant novae now contain some of the bright lines which are
characteristic of Wolf-Rayet stars.[2]

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e shtunë, 25 gusht 2007

was one familiar to their minds, and it is impossible not to

feel interested in a people who were accustomed to consider
themselves surrounded by invisible intelligences, anti who
recognized in the rising sun, the mild and silver moon, the
shooting star, the meteor"s transient flame, the ocean"s roar,
the tempest"s blast, or the evening breeze the movements of
mighty spirits
was one familiar to their minds, and it is impossible not to
feel interested in a people who were accustomed to consider
themselves surrounded by invisible intelligences, anti who
recognized in the rising sun, the mild and silver moon, the
shooting star, the meteor"s transient flame, the ocean"s roar,
the tempest"s blast, or the evening breeze the movements of
mighty spirits.

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The AEsthetic Emotions have important bearings upon Ethical Sentiment

The AEsthetic Emotions have important bearings upon Ethical Sentiment.
As a whole, they are favourable to human virtue, being non-exclusive
pleasures. They, however, give a bias to the formation of moral rules,
and pervert the proper test of right and wrong in a manner to be
afterwards explained.

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[Extract from the Twenty-First Annual Report of the Secretary of the

Massachusetts Board of Education
[Extract from the Twenty-First Annual Report of the Secretary of the
Massachusetts Board of Education.]

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e enjte, 23 gusht 2007

From time to time, also, there creeps gradually into the public

consciousness a sense that SOMETHING HAS HAPPENED
From time to time, also, there creeps gradually into the public
consciousness a sense that SOMETHING HAS HAPPENED. Brief
notices appear in the press, at first infrequently and then
more frequently, and an article or two in the popular
monthlies. The public becomes languidly interested in a new
possibility and even discusses it, sceptically. Then of a
sudden we are awakened to the realization of a new power in
being. The X-ray, wireless telegraphy or the aeroplane has
become the latest 'marvel of science,' only to develop in a
very brief period into a commonplace of existence.

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e mërkurë, 22 gusht 2007

May it be granted us to work intelligently, effectively,

tirelessly for world-wide peace and service
May it be granted us to work intelligently, effectively,
tirelessly for world-wide peace and service. not by the
suppression of racial and national diversities, the leveling of
the mass to a deadly sameness, but through steadily increasing
appreciation of racial and national traits. May the world, even
sooner than we dare to hope, be ruled by sympathy instead of by

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e martë, 21 gusht 2007

We are sadly in need of information concerning the constitution

of the spiral nebulae
We are sadly in need of information concerning the constitution
of the spiral nebulae. Their spectra appear to be prevailingly
of the solar type, except that a very small proportion contain
some bright lines in addition to the continuous spectrum. So
far as their spectra are concerned, they may be great clusters
of stars, or they may consist each of a central star sending
its light out upon surrounding dark materials and thus
rendering these materials visible to us. The first alternative
is unsatisfactory, for all parts of spirals have hazy borders,
as if the structure is nebulous or consists of irregular groups
of small masses; and the second alternative is unsatisfactory,
for in many spirals the most outlying masses seem to be as
bright as masses of the same areas situated only one half as
far from the center, whereas in general the inner area should
be at least four times as bright as the outer area. All
astronomers are ready to confess that we do not know much about
the conditions existing in spiral nebulae.

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This is the arresting and dominant fact about modern

social discussion; that the quarrel is not merely about
the difficulties, but about the aim
This is the arresting and dominant fact about modern
social discussion; that the quarrel is not merely about
the difficulties, but about the aim. We agree about the evil;
it is about the good that we should tear each other"s eyes cut.
We all admit that a lazy aristocracy is a bad thing.
We should not by any means all admit that an active aristocracy would
be a good thing. We all feel angry with an irreligious priesthood;
but some of us would go mad with disgust at a really religious one.
Everyone is indignant if our army is weak, including the people
who would be even more indignant if it were strong.
The social case is exactly the opposite of the medical case.
We do not disagree, like doctors, about the precise nature
of the illness, while agreeing about the nature of health.
On the contrary, we all agree that England is unhealthy, but half
of us would not look at her in what the other half would call blooming
health . Public abuses are so prominent and pestilent that they
sweep all generous people into a sort of fictitious unanimity.
We forget that, while we agree about the abuses of things,
we should differ very much about the uses of them.
Mr. Cadbury and I would agree about the bad public house.
It would be precisely in front of the good public-house that our
painful personal fracas would occur.

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Bacteria play a part in most colds

Bacteria play a part in most colds. In some cases there is a general
infection, with local symptoms, as in grippe; in others there is a local
infection, with mixed classes of bacteria. It is probable that these
various forms of bacteria are constantly present in the nasal
secretions, but do not cause trouble until the local resistance or the
general resistance is in some way lowered.

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e hënë, 20 gusht 2007

The sense of taste recognizes the four qualities of _sour_, _sweet_,

_salt_, and _bitter_
The sense of taste recognizes the four qualities of _sour_, _sweet_,
_salt_, and _bitter_. Many of the qualities which we improperly call
tastes are in reality a complex of taste, smell, touch, and temperature.
Smell contributes so largely to the sense of taste that many articles of
food become 'tasteless' when we have a catarrh, and many nauseating
doses of medicine can be taken without discomfort if the nose is held.
Probably none of us, if we are careful to exclude all odors by plugging
the nostrils with cotton, can by taste distinguish between scraped
apple, potato, turnip, or beet, or can tell hot milk from tea or coffee
of the same temperature.

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[M] The standard here used is the American Experience Table, which is

largely an artificial table upon which premiums are based, but which
provides for a much higher mortality than the average companies sustain
[M] The standard here used is the American Experience Table, which is
largely an artificial table upon which premiums are based, but which
provides for a much higher mortality than the average companies sustain.
For example, the actual mortality of the New England Mutual in 1913 was
57 per cent. of the expected.

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e diel, 19 gusht 2007

But of all the modern notions generated by mere wealth the worst is this:

the notion that domesticity is dull and tame
But of all the modern notions generated by mere wealth the worst is this:
the notion that domesticity is dull and tame. Inside the home (they say)
is dead decorum and routine; outside is adventure and variety.
This is indeed a rich man"s opinion. The rich man knows that his own
house moves on vast and soundless wheels of wealth, is run by regiments
of servants, by a swift and silent ritual. On the other hand, every sort
of vagabondage of romance is open to him in the streets outside.
He has plenty of money and can afford to be a tramp.
His wildest adventure will end in a restaurant, while the yokel"s
tamest adventure may end in a police-court. If he smashes a window
he can pay for it; if he smashes a man he can pension him. He can
(like the millionaire in the story) buy an hotel to get a glass of gin.
And because he, the luxurious man, dictates the tone of nearly
all 'advanced' and 'progressive' thought, we have almost forgotten
what a home really means to the overwhelming millions of mankind.

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The evidence of the comets, as bona fide members of the solar

system which approach the Sun almost, and perhaps quite,
indifferently from all directions, is that the volume of space
occupied by the parent structure of the system was of enormous
dimensions, both at right angles to the present principal plane
of the system and in that plane
The evidence of the comets, as bona fide members of the solar
system which approach the Sun almost, and perhaps quite,
indifferently from all directions, is that the volume of space
occupied by the parent structure of the system was of enormous
dimensions, both at right angles to the present principal plane
of the system and in that plane. We are accustomed to think of
the spiral nebulae as thin relatively to their major diameters.
To this extent the planetesimal hypothesis does not furnish a
good explanation of the origin of comets, unless we assume that
a small amount of matter was widely scattered in all directions
around the parent spiral; and this conception leads to some
apparent difficulties. The origin of the comets is difficult to
explain under any of the hypotheses.

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The federal authorities following up her statements at last located

Paret in the city prison at Atlanta, Georgia, where he had been
convicted on a similar charge
The federal authorities following up her statements at last located
Paret in the city prison at Atlanta, Georgia, where he had been
convicted on a similar charge. He was brought to Chicago and on his
testimony Lair was also convicted and imprisoned.

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e shtunë, 18 gusht 2007

Under the "general Rights of mankind," he has a discussion as to our

right to the flesh of animals, and contends that it would be difficult
to defend this right by any arguments drawn from the light of nature,
and that it reposes on the text of Genesis ix
Under the "general Rights of mankind," he has a discussion as to our
right to the flesh of animals, and contends that it would be difficult
to defend this right by any arguments drawn from the light of nature,
and that it reposes on the text of Genesis ix. 1, 2, 3.

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e premte, 17 gusht 2007

He next goes on (XXII

He next goes on (XXII.) to MOTIVES. When the idea of a Pleasure is
associated with an action of our own as the cause, that peculiar state
of mind is generated, called a motive. The idea of the pleasure,
without the idea of an action for gaining it, does not amount to a
motive. Every pleasure may become a motive, but every motive does not
end in action, because there may be counter-motives; and the strength
attained by motives depends greatly on education. The facility of being
acted on by motives of a particular kind is a DISPOSITION. We have, in
connexion with all our leading pleasures and pains, names indicating
their motive efficacy. Gluttony is both motive and disposition; so Lust
and Drunkenness; with the added sense of reprobation in all the three.
Friendship is a name for Affection, Motive, and Disposition.

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e mërkurë, 15 gusht 2007


III.--The SUMMUM BONUM with Sokrates was Well-doing. He had no ideal
of pursuit for man apart from virtue, or what he esteemed virtue--the
noble and the praiseworthy. This was the elevated point of view
maintained alike by him and by Plato, and common to them with the
ideal of modern ages.

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The cure of children was a comparatively easy task for the

Anglo-Saxon doctor; for the only thing to be done was to have
the youngster crawl through a hole in a tree, the rim of the
hole thus kindly taking to itself all the germs or demons
The cure of children was a comparatively easy task for the
Anglo-Saxon doctor; for the only thing to be done was to have
the youngster crawl through a hole in a tree, the rim of the
hole thus kindly taking to itself all the germs or demons. So,
too, minor sores, warts and other blemishes might easily be
effaced by stealing some meat, rubbing the spot with it, and
burying the meat; as the meat decayed the blemish disappeared.
So to this day some Indians, and not a few Mexicans make a
waxen image of the diseased part, and place it before the fire
to melt as a symbol of the gradual waning of the illness. So,
too, the ancient Celts are said to have destroyed the life of
an enemy by allowing his waxen image to melt before the fire.

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Of 827 men of talent (not merit class) Odin was able to

investigate as to their education he found that only 1
Of 827 men of talent (not merit class) Odin was able to
investigate as to their education he found that only 1.8 per
cent. had no education or a poor education, while 98.2 per
cent. had a good education. This number investigated was 73 per
cent. of all men of that class, and it is fair to assume that
about the same proportion of educated existed in the other 27
per cent. whose education was not known. Of the 16 of poor or
no education 13 were born in Paris, other large cities, or
chateaux, and three in other localities. Thus they had the
opportunities presented by the cities. Facts as to talented men
in Spain, Italy, England and Germany indicate that anywhere
from 92 to 98 per cent. have been highly educated, and probably
the latter per cent. is correct.

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If all are to be educated, it only remains, then, that they be educated

together, subject to the general rule of society, that when a member is
dangerous to the safety or peace of his associates, he is to be excluded
or restrained
If all are to be educated, it only remains, then, that they be educated
together, subject to the general rule of society, that when a member is
dangerous to the safety or peace of his associates, he is to be excluded
or restrained. Nor is this necessity of association destitute of moral
advantages. If the comparatively good were separated from the relatively
vicious, it is not improbable that the latter would soon fall into a
state of barbarity. It seems to be the law of the school and of the
world that the most rapid progress is made when the weight of public
sentiment is on the side of improvement and virtue. It is not necessary
for me to remark that such a public sentiment exists in every town and
school district of the state; but who would take the responsibility in
any of these communities, great or small, of separating the virtuous
classes from the dangerous classes? Parents, from the force of their
affections, are manifestly incompetent to do this; and those who are not
parents are probably equally incompetent. But, if it were honestly
accomplished, who would be responsible for the crushing effects of the
measure upon those who were thus excluded from the presence and
companionship of the comparatively virtuous? These, often the victims of
vicious homes, need more than others the influence and example of the
good; and it should be among the chief satisfactions of those who are
able to train their own children in the ways of virtue, that thereby a
healthful influence is exerted upon the less fortunate of their race.
There is also in this course a wise selfishness; for, although
_children_ may be separated from each other, the circumstances of
maturer years will often make the virtuous subject to the influence of
the vicious. The safety of society, considered individually or
collectively, is not in the virtuous training of any part, however large
the proportion, but in the virtuous training of all. I cannot deem it
wise policy, whether parental or public, that takes the child from the
school on account of the immoral associations that are ordinarily found
there, or, on the other hand, that drives the vicious or unfortunate
from the presence of those who are comparatively pure. When it is
considered that the school is often the only refuge of the unhappy
subject of orphanage, or the victim of evil family influences, it seems
an unnecessary cruelty to withhold the protection, encouragement, and
support, which may be so easily and profitably furnished. It is said
that a sparrow pursued by a hawk took refuge in the bosom of a member of
the sovereign assembly of Athens, and that the harsh Areopagite threw
the trembling bird from him with such violence that it was killed on the
spot. The assembly was filled with indignation at the cruelty of the
deed; the author of it was arraigned as an alien to that sentiment of
mercy so necessary to the administration of justice, and by the
unanimous suffrages of his colleagues was degraded from the senatorial
dignity which he had so much dishonored.



Mr. Mansel, in his "Metaphysics," has examined the question of a moral
standard, and the nature of the moral faculty, accepting, with slight
and unimportant modifications, the current theory of a moral sense.

e martë, 14 gusht 2007

In a private conversation, Professor Guyot made a remark which seems to

have a public value
In a private conversation, Professor Guyot made a remark which seems to
have a public value. 'You give to your schools,' said he, 'credit that
is really due to the world. Looking at America with the eye of an
European, it appears to me that your world is doing more and your
schools are doing less, in the cause of education, than you are inclined
to believe.' For one, though I ought, as much as any, to stand for the
schools, I give a qualified assent to the truth of this observation.
There is much learning among us which we cannot trace directly to the
schools; but the schools have introduced and fostered a spirit which has
given to the world the power to make itself learned. It is much easier
to disseminate what is called the spirit of education, than it was to
create that spirit, and preserve it when there were few to do it homage.
For this we are indebted to the schools. Unobserved in the process of
change, but happy in its results, the business of education is not now
confined to professional teachers.

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The experience of the Security Mutual of Binghamton, N

The experience of the Security Mutual of Binghamton, N. Y., does not
support such a postulate. During a twelve years" experience the
mortality among the abstainers was one-third that of the tabular
expectation, and their occupations were classified as follows:

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With these figures in hand let us consider now a kind of debit

and credit sheet against and for our present system of weights
and measures
With these figures in hand let us consider now a kind of debit
and credit sheet against and for our present system of weights
and measures.

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In early life the jaws should be carefully examined by both dentist and

doctor in order to determine whether or not the proper development is
taking place
In early life the jaws should be carefully examined by both dentist and
doctor in order to determine whether or not the proper development is
taking place. If upper and lower teeth fail to fit well together, extra
strain is placed upon certain teeth and the sockets are liable to injury
and infection. Faulty development can often be corrected and deformities
that interfere with proper mastication and place a strain on certain
teeth can thus be avoided.

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Mr. Clay, chaplain of Preston jail, says: 'Thirty-six per cent. come
into jail unable to say the Lord"s Prayer; and seventy-two per cent.
come in such a state of moral debasement that it is in vain to give them
instruction, or to teach them their duty, since they cannot understand
the meaning of the words used to them.' Here we have, as cause and
effect, the philosophy of Mr. Ball, and the facts of Mr. Clay. And,
further, this philosophy is as bad in principle, when tried by the rules
of political economy, as when subjected to moral and Christian tests.

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The earliest direct reference is found in the writings of Dr

The earliest direct reference is found in the writings of Dr.
Nott, of Mobile, Ala., who in 1848 suggested that the
dissemination of the yellow fever poison was evidently by means
of some insect 'that remained very close to the ground.' But
the first who positively pointed to the mosquito as the
spreader of yellow fever, who showed that absence of mosquitoes
precluded the existence of the disease and who prescribed the
ready means to stamp it out, by fumigation and by preventing
the bites of the insects, was Dr. Louis D. Beauperthuy, a
French physician, then located in Venezuela. The writer has an
original copy of his paper, published in 1853, where he fastens
the guilt upon the domestic mosquitoes, believing, in accord
with the prevailing teachings of medical science, that the
mosquitoes infected themselves by contact or feeding upon the
organic matter found in the stagnant waters where they are
hatched, afterwards inoculating the victims by their sting. He
recognized the fact that yellow fever is not contagious and
therefore could not think of the possibility of man-to-man
infection, as we know it to-day. The keenest observer was this
man Beauperthuy, and, even at that benighted time in the
history of tropical medicine, made most interesting studies of
the blood and tissues, employing the microscope and the
chemical reactions in his research. No one believed him, and a
commission appointed to report upon his views said that they
were inadmissible and all but declared him insane.

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e hënë, 13 gusht 2007

The philosophers and psychologists agree little better about our sense

of time than they do about our sense of space
The philosophers and psychologists agree little better about our sense
of time than they do about our sense of space. Of this much, however, we
may be certain, our perception of time is subject to development and

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Whether we are Socialists or not, we will all admit that every level of

culture breeds its own particular brand of vice and uncovers new
weaknesses as well as new nobilities in human nature; that a given
social development--such, for instance as the conditions of life for
thousands of young people in crowded city quarters--may produce such
temptations and present such snares to virtue, that average human nature
cannot withstand them
Whether we are Socialists or not, we will all admit that every level of
culture breeds its own particular brand of vice and uncovers new
weaknesses as well as new nobilities in human nature; that a given
social development--such, for instance as the conditions of life for
thousands of young people in crowded city quarters--may produce such
temptations and present such snares to virtue, that average human nature
cannot withstand them.

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Laplace and his contemporary, Sir William Herschel, had been

the most fruitful contributors to astronomical knowledge since
the days of Sir Isaac Newton
Laplace and his contemporary, Sir William Herschel, had been
the most fruitful contributors to astronomical knowledge since
the days of Sir Isaac Newton. Herschel"s observations had led
him to speculate as to the evolution of the stars from nebulae,
and as a result interest in the subject was widespread. This
fact, coupled with Laplace"s commanding position, caused the
nebular hypothesis to be received with great favor. During an
entire century it was the central idea about which astronomical
thought revolved.


It is said that Abbe Fissiaux, the head of the colony of Marseilles,

when visiting Mettray, a kind of reform school, at which boys under
sixteen years of age, who have committed offences without discernment,
are sent, asked the colonists to point out to him the three best boys
It is said that Abbe Fissiaux, the head of the colony of Marseilles,
when visiting Mettray, a kind of reform school, at which boys under
sixteen years of age, who have committed offences without discernment,
are sent, asked the colonists to point out to him the three best boys.
The looks of the whole body immediately designated three young persons
whose conduct had been irreproachable to an exceptional degree. He then
applied a more delicate test. 'Point out to me,' said he, 'the worst
boy.' All the children remained motionless, and made no sign; but one
little urchin came forward, with a pitiful air, and said, in a very low
tone, '_It is me._' Such were the public sentiment and sense of honor,
even in a reform school. This frankness in the lad was followed by
reformation; and he became in after years a good soldier,--the life
anticipated for many members of the institution.

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e diel, 12 gusht 2007

The older education that trained the intellect exclusively,

without reference to the practical demands of life or the needs
of the body, was inadequate in that it ignored the law of
thinking and doing
The older education that trained the intellect exclusively,
without reference to the practical demands of life or the needs
of the body, was inadequate in that it ignored the law of
thinking and doing. It is true that there is much to its
credit, as many fine spirits have testified. They at least
survived it.

title=from the US Army News Service Medal (2nd OLC)

But our fellow-creatures are the subjects of affections, not merely as

the instrumentality set in motion by Wealth, Power, and Dignity, but in
their proper personality
But our fellow-creatures are the subjects of affections, not merely as
the instrumentality set in motion by Wealth, Power, and Dignity, but in
their proper personality. This leads the author to the consideration of
the pleasurable affections of Friendship, Kindness, Family, Country,
Party, Mankind. He resolves them all into associations with our
primitive pleasures. Thus, to take the example of Kindness, which will
show how he deals with the disinterested affection;--The idea of a man
enjoying a train of pleasures, or happiness, is felt by everybody to be
a pleasurable idea; this can arise from nothing but the association of
our own pleasures with the idea of his pleasures. The pleasurable
association composed of the ideas of a man and of his pleasures, and
the painful association composed of the idea of a man and of his pains,
are both Affections included under one name Kindness; although in the
second case it has the more specific name Compassion.

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12. II.--It is objected to Utility as the Standard, that the bearings
of conduct on general happiness are too numerous to be calculated; and
that even where the calculation is possible, people have seldom time
to make it.



I. _The political condition of the country has been essentially
changed._--General personal and family comfort, according to the ideas
now entertained, was not a feature of American society for one hundred
and seventy years from the settlement at Plymouth. Life was a continual
contest--a contest with the forest, with the climate, with the Indians,
and especially was it a continual contest with the mother country. The
colonists sought to maintain their own rights without infringement,
while they accorded to the sovereign his constitutional privileges.
Conflicts were frequent, and apprehensions of conflict yet more
frequent. Hence those who had the conduct of public affairs were
compelled to give some attention to English history, and to the
constitutional law of Great Britain. Moreover, it was always important
to secure and keep a strong public sentiment on the side of liberty; and
there were usually in every town men who thoroughly investigated
questions of public policy. There was one topic, more absorbing than any
other, that involved the study of the legal history and usage of Great
Britain, and a careful consideration of the general principles of
liberty; namely, the constitutional rights of a British subject. Here
was a broad field for inquiry, investigation, and study; and it was
faithfully cultivated and gleaned. There has never been a political
topic for public discussion in America more important in itself, or
better calculated to educate an American in a knowledge of his political
rights, than the examination of the political relations of the subject
to the crown and parliament of Great Britain previous to the Declaration
of Independence. It was not an abstraction. It had a practical value to
every man in the colonies, and it was the prominent feature of the
masterly exposition made by the Massachusetts House of Representatives,
to which I have already referred. And we can better estimate the
political education which the times furnished, when we consider that the
revolutionary war was made logical and necessary through a knowledge of
positions, facts, and arguments, scattered over the history of the
colonies. But, when our Independence had been established and
recognized, constitutions had been framed, and the governments of the
states and nation set in motion, the beauty and harmony of our political
system seemed to render continued attention to political principles and
the rights of individual men unnecessary. Hence, we may anticipate the
judgment of impartial history in the admission that public attention was
gradually given to contests for office which did not always involve the
maintenance of a fundamental principle of government, or the recognition
of an essential human right. It does not, however, follow, from this
admission, that we are indifferent to our political lot,--occasional
contests upon principle refute such a conjecture,--but that men are not
anxious concerning those things which appear to be secure. And the
differences of political parties of the last fifty years have not been
so much concerning the nature of human rights, as in regard to the
institutions by which those rights can be best protected. Therefore our
political questions have been questions of expediency rather than of
principle. And, if there is any foundation for the popular impression
that public offices are conferred on men less eminently qualified to
give dignity to public employments, the reason of this degeneracy--less
noteworthy than it is usually represented--is to be found in this


e shtunë, 11 gusht 2007


II.--His Psychology of Ethics is to be studied in the detail. Whether
in the natural or in the social state, the Moral Faculty, to correspond
with the Standard, is the general power of Reason, comprehending the
aims of the Individual or Society, and attending to the laws of Nature
or the laws of the State, in the one case or in the other respectively.

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Conscience is described by such terms as moral approbation and

disapprobation; and involves, when highly developed, a peculiar and
unmistakeable revulsion of mind at what is wrong, and a strong
resentment towards the wrong-doer, which become Remorse, in the case
of self
Conscience is described by such terms as moral approbation and
disapprobation; and involves, when highly developed, a peculiar and
unmistakeable revulsion of mind at what is wrong, and a strong
resentment towards the wrong-doer, which become Remorse, in the case
of self.


e premte, 10 gusht 2007

Thus in the Pacific life is of to-day; the past is dead, and

the future when it comes will pass as to-day is passing
Thus in the Pacific life is of to-day; the past is dead, and
the future when it comes will pass as to-day is passing. Life
is a dream, an evanescent thing, all but meaningless, and real
only as is the murmur of the surf when the sea-breeze comes in
the morning, and man awakens from the oblivion of night.

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If, however, instead of avoiding the puddle unconsciously, I do so from

consideration of the danger of wet feet and the disagreeableness of
soiled shoes and the ridiculous appearance I shall make, then the
current cannot take the short circuit, but must pass on up to the
If, however, instead of avoiding the puddle unconsciously, I do so from
consideration of the danger of wet feet and the disagreeableness of
soiled shoes and the ridiculous appearance I shall make, then the
current cannot take the short circuit, but must pass on up to the
cortex. Here it awakens consciousness to take notice of the obstruction,
and calls forth the images which aid in directing the necessary
movements. This simple illustration may be greatly complicated,
substituting for it one of the more complex problems which are
continually presenting themselves to us for solution, or the associated
trains of thought that are constantly occupying our minds. But the truth
of the illustration still holds. Whether in the simple or the complex
act, there is always a forward passing of the nerve current through the
sensory and thought centers, and on out through the motor centers to the
organs which are to be concerned in the motor response.

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e enjte, 9 gusht 2007


V. The collateral relations of Cynical Ethics to Politics and to
Theology afford no scope for additional observations. The Cynic and
Cyrenaic both stood aloof from the affairs of the state, and were
alike disbelievers in the gods.

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Eighth, every ordinary practical problem can be solved
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HABIT A MODIFICATION OF BRAIN TISSUE.--But the nervous tissue is the
most sensitive and easily molded of all bodily tissues. In fact, it is
probable that the real _habit_ of our characteristic walk, gesture, or
speech resides in the brain, rather than in the muscles which it
controls. So delicate is the organization of the brain structure and so
unstable its molecules, that even the perfume of the flower, which
assails the nose of a child, the song of a bird, which strikes his ear,
or the fleeting dream, which lingers but for a second in his sleep, has
so modified his brain that it will never again be as if these things had
not been experienced. Every sensory current which runs in from the
outside world; every motor current which runs out to command a muscle;
every thought that we think, has so modified the nerve structure through
which it acts, that a tendency remains for a like act to be repeated.
Our brain and nervous system is daily being molded into fixed habits of
acting by our thoughts and deeds, and thus becomes the automatic
register of all we do.


Austin, in his Lectures on "The Province of Jurisprudence determined,"

has discussed the leading questions of Ethics
Austin, in his Lectures on "The Province of Jurisprudence determined,"
has discussed the leading questions of Ethics. We give an abstract of
the Ethical part.

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e mërkurë, 8 gusht 2007

Among the numberless replies, called forth by the bold speculations of

Hobbes, were some works of independent ethical importance; in
particular, the treatises of Cumberland, Cudworth, and Clarke
Among the numberless replies, called forth by the bold speculations of
Hobbes, were some works of independent ethical importance; in
particular, the treatises of Cumberland, Cudworth, and Clarke.
Cumberland stands by himself; Cudworth and Clarke, agreeing in some
respects, are commonly called the _Rational_ moralists, along with
Wollaston and Price (who fall to be noticed later).

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Whatever their course in the instances cited and in many

others, reversals in the processes of development do take
Whatever their course in the instances cited and in many
others, reversals in the processes of development do take
place. In perhaps their simplest form these can be seen in egg
cells. The development of a fragment of an egg as a complete
whole involves reversals in the processes of differentiation of
a very subtle order. The fusion of two eggs to one involves
similar readjustments. Such phenomena have been held to be
peculiar to living machines only. Yet it may be pointed out
that there are counterparts of both in the behavior of
so-called liquid crystals. When liquid crystals of
paraazoxyzimtsaure-Athylester are divided, the parts are
smaller in size, but otherwise identical with the parent
crystal in form, structure and optical properties. The fusion
of two crystals of ammonium oleate forming a single crystal of
larger size has also been observed. Though changes in
equilibrium that accompany such behavior of liquid crystals are
undoubtedly very much simpler than the changes that accompany
the regulatory processes exhibited by the living egg, the
striking resemblance between the phenomena themselves tempts us
not to magnify the difference.

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The second class of duties--the rules of _Probity_, stand most in need

of the assistance of the legislator
The second class of duties--the rules of _Probity_, stand most in need
of the assistance of the legislator. There are few cases where it
_would_ be expedient to punish a man for hurting himself, and few where
it _would not_ be expedient to punish a man for hurting his neighbour.
As regards offences against property, private ethics presupposes
legislation, which alone can determine what things are to be regarded
as each man"s property. If private ethics takes a different view from
the legislature, it must of course act on its own views.

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e martë, 7 gusht 2007

Of Metaphorical or figurative laws, the most usual is that suggested by

the fact of _uniformity_, which is one of the ordinary consequences of
a law proper
Of Metaphorical or figurative laws, the most usual is that suggested by
the fact of _uniformity_, which is one of the ordinary consequences of
a law proper. Such are the laws of nature, or the uniformities of
co-existence and succession in natural phenomena.

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5. Most children in the elementary school are not interested in
technical grammar; why not? Histories made up chiefly of dates and lists
of kings or presidents are not interesting; what is the remedy? Would
you call any teaching of literature, history, geography, or science
successful which fails to develop an interest in the subject?


This law applies equally to individuals

This law applies equally to individuals. Skill, cunning and
reason play their part, but the animal quality of endurance is
always back of these and is often decisive in a contest.

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BY the will of the late Dr

BY the will of the late Dr. Dudley P. Allen, formerly professor
of surgery in the Western Reserve University, $200,000 has been
set aside as a permanent endowment fund for the Cleveland
Medical Library.

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1. The nature of memory: What is retained--The physical basis of
memory--How we remember--Dependence of memory on brain quality. 2. The
four factors involved in memory:
Registration--Retention--Recall--Recognition. 3. The stuff of memory:
Images as the material of memory--Images vary as to type--Other memory
material. 4. Laws underlying memory: The law of association--The law of
repetition--The law of recency--The law of vividness. 5. Rules for using
the memory: Wholes versus parts--Rate of forgetting--Divided
practice--Forcing the memory to act--Not a memory, but memories. 6. What
constitutes a good memory: A good memory selects its material--A good
memory requires good thinking--Memory must be specialized. 7. Memory
devices: The effects of cramming--Remembering isolated facts--Mnemonic
devices. 8. Problems in observation and introspection . . . . . . . . 160


e hënë, 6 gusht 2007

In the physical world as in the spiritual there are many people who,

'having eyes, see not and ears, hear not
In the physical world as in the spiritual there are many people who,
'having eyes, see not and ears, hear not.' For the ability to perceive
accurately and richly in the world of physical objects depends not alone
on good sense organs, but also on _interest_ and the habit of
_observation_. It is easy if we are indifferent or untrained to look at
a beautiful landscape, a picture or a cathedral without _seeing_ it; it
is easy if we lack interest or skill to listen to an orchestra or the
myriad sounds of nature without _hearing_ them.

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The strongest obstacle to the doctrine of Utility has been drawn from

the Idea of Justice
The strongest obstacle to the doctrine of Utility has been drawn from
the Idea of Justice. The rapid perception and the powerful sentiment
connected with the Just, seem to show it as generically distinct from
every variety of the Expedient.

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Many persons will admit that their memory or imagination or power of

perception is not good, but few will confess to a weak will
Many persons will admit that their memory or imagination or power of
perception is not good, but few will confess to a weak will. Strength of
will is everywhere lauded as a mark of worth and character. How can we
tell whether our will is strong or weak?

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THE DURATION OF AN EMOTION.--If the required readjustment is but
temporary, then the emotion is short-lived, while if the readjustment is
necessarily of longer duration, the emotion also will live longer. The
fear which follows the thunder is relatively brief; for the shock is
gone in a moment, and our thought is but temporarily disturbed. If the
impending danger is one that persists, however, as of some secret
assassin threatening our life, the fear also will persist. The grief of
a child over the loss of someone dear to him is comparatively short,
because the current of the child"s life has not been so closely bound up
in a complexity of experiences with the lost object as in the case of an
older person, and hence the readjustment is easier. The grief of an
adult over the loss of a very dear friend lasts long, for the object
grieved over has so become a part of the bereaved one"s experience that
the loss requires a very complete readjustment of the whole life. In
either case, however, as this readjustment is accomplished the emotion
gradually fades away.

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The small debt of the United States rose after the Civil War to

The small debt of the United States rose after the Civil War to
$2,773,000,000. It has been reduced to about $915,000,000,
proportionately less than in any other civilized nation. The
local debts of states and municipalities in this and other
countries are, however, very large and are steadily rising. As
Mr. E. S. Martin observes,

e diel, 5 gusht 2007

The only difficulty lies in overcoming the inertia of acquired habits

The only difficulty lies in overcoming the inertia of acquired habits.
After one has changed his habits, it is just as easy to live rightly as
to live wrongly. The rules of hygiene are not restrictive, but
liberating. They may seem at first restrictive, for they prohibit many
things which we have been in the habit of doing; but they are really
liberating, for the things we were doing were unrealized restrictions on
our own power to work, to be useful, or even to enjoy life. The 'rules'
of hygiene are thus simply the means of emancipating us from our real
limitations. These so-called rules, when tried, will prove to be not
artificial but natural, not difficult but easy, not complicated but
simple. They are almost as simple as the direction to bathe in the river
Jordan. It is, in fact, their very simplicity and availability to which
is largely due their deplorable neglect and the failure to realize the
wonderful benefits following their careful and continued observance.

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I see no reason to question the efficiency of this ingenious

explanation of the origin of a spiral nebula: the close passage
of two massive stars could, in my opinion, produce an effect
resembling a spiral nebula, quite in accordance with Moulton"s
test calculations upon the subject
I see no reason to question the efficiency of this ingenious
explanation of the origin of a spiral nebula: the close passage
of two massive stars could, in my opinion, produce an effect
resembling a spiral nebula, quite in accordance with Moulton"s
test calculations upon the subject. Some of the spirals have
possibly been formed in this way (see Fig. 30); but that the
tens of thousands of spirals known to exist in the sky have
actually been produced in this manner is another question, and
one which, in my opinion, is open to grave doubt. But to this
point we shall return later.

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e shtunë, 4 gusht 2007

For extreme overweight, diet should be prescribed accurately by the

physician to suit the needs of each individual case
For extreme overweight, diet should be prescribed accurately by the
physician to suit the needs of each individual case. Certain general
principles may be stated, however, as applicable to the average case.

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Height. | Pounds. || Height. | Pounds. || Height. | Pounds.
Ft. In. | || Ft. In. | || Ft. In. |
5 | 126 || 5 7 | 148 || 6 1 | 178
5 1 | 128 || 5 8 | 152 || 6 2 | 184
5 2 | 130 || 5 9 | 156 || 6 3 | 190
5 3 | 133 || 5 10 | 161 || 6 4 | 196
5 4 | 136 || 5 11 | 166 || 6 5 | 201
5 5 | 140 || 6 | 172 || .......... | .........
5 6 | 144 || ....... | ...... || .......... | .........

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The fundamental fact in all ranges of life from the lowest to the

highest is _activity_, _doing_
The fundamental fact in all ranges of life from the lowest to the
highest is _activity_, _doing_. Every individual, either animal or man,
is constantly meeting situations which demand response. In the lower
forms of life, this response is very simple, while in the higher forms,
and especially in man, it is very complex. The bird sees a nook
favorable for a nest, and at once appropriates it; a man sees a house
that strikes his fancy, and works and plans and saves for months to
secure money with which to buy it. It is evident that the larger the
possible number of responses, and the greater their diversity and
complexity, the more difficult it will be to select and compel the right
response to any given situation. Man therefore needs some special power
of control over his acts--he requires a _will._

title=Appraisers Battle Creek

At first glance this all seems opposed to what we have been laying down

as the explanation of emotion
At first glance this all seems opposed to what we have been laying down
as the explanation of emotion. Yet it is not so if we look well into the
case. We have already seen that emotion occurs when there is a blocking
of the usual pathways of discharge for the nerve currents, which must
then seek new outlets, and thus result in the setting up of new motor
responses. In the case of grief, for example, there is a disturbance in
the whole organism; the heart beat is deranged, the blood pressure
diminished, and the nerve tone lowered. What is needed is for the
currents which are finding an outlet in directions resulting in these
particular responses to find a pathway of discharge which will not
produce such deep-seated results. This may be found in crying. The
energy thus expended is diverted from producing internal disturbances.
Likewise, the explosion in anger may serve to restore the equilibrium of
disturbed nerve currents.

title=View posts for June 2007

e premte, 3 gusht 2007

Nowhere more than in connection with our emotions are the close

inter-relations of mind and body seen
Nowhere more than in connection with our emotions are the close
inter-relations of mind and body seen. All are familiar with the fact
that the emotion of anger tends to find expression in the blow, love in
the caress, fear in flight, and so on. But just how our organism acts in
_producing_ an emotion is less generally understood. Professor James and
Professor Lange have shown us that emotion not only tends to produce
some characteristic form of response, but that _the emotion is itself
caused by certain deep-seated physiological reactions_. Let us seek to
understand this statement a little more fully.

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Furthermore, we do not know that even the first Hellenes of

Mycenae were an unmixed race, or that any unmixed races ever
rose to such prominence as to command the world"s attention
Furthermore, we do not know that even the first Hellenes of
Mycenae were an unmixed race, or that any unmixed races ever
rose to such prominence as to command the world"s attention. We
do know that when war depletes a nation slaves and foreigners
come in to fill the vacuum, and that the decline of a great
race in history has always been accompanied by a debasing of
its blood.


A special and more abstract form of the same theory is presented in

the dictum of Kant--"act in such a way that your conduct might be a
law to all beings
A special and more abstract form of the same theory is presented in
the dictum of Kant--"act in such a way that your conduct might be a
law to all beings."

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